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Evolve Development Coach 8 Week Orientation Program
Player Development Program Pre Course Preparation
Welcome and get ready to Work! (3:01)
Pre Course Preparation
Week One - Mindset makes the difference!
Changing the way you view Player Development (14:38)
Meet our Evolve Family! (2:40)
How our Program Works (13:30)
Year One - Program Overview (15:46)
Big Picture - Year Two and beyond (6:46)
The 5 Shifts and how they relate to each other (14:12)
The Big Picture Path to College Hockey (7:07)
Setting up the Home Development Zone (12:04)
Roles of Evolve Coaches / Parents / Players (12:25)
Weekly Q & A Calls and other Live Support Options (3:17)
Setting up your Personal Coaching calls with Us
Week Two - Meet Coach Wooden and the Pyramid of Success
Parents / Players and the 5 Shifts (6:11)
All about Character (4:25)
Meet Coach Wooden (13:02)
Coach Introduces the Pyramid of Success (11:03)
How we will use the Pyramid (4:38)
Mental - Positive Self Talk / Habits and how the Brain works (17:33)
Physical - Skating / Shooting / Stick Handling (3:56)
Physical Challenge - Golf Ball / Tennis Ball / Sliders (13:10)
Intro to On Form Video App (5:59)
Summary of Week two and Whats Next (4:53)
Week Three - Make your Off Ice time count
Let's talk Coaches - Parents (26:32)
Let's talk Coaches - Players
Tracking Tools - Power Player / On Form, HUDL, I-Sport 360 / Team Genius (18:14)
Watch Movie - "Greater" on Netflix (3:21)
Physical Skills - Shooting / Slide Boards (16:11)
Mental Skills - Forming habits / Autopilot (3:46)
New Habit Challenge - Bed / Slider / Pyramid (7:44)
Little Red Book of Talent (8:53)
Introduction of Pyramid Blocks - Hard Work / Enthusiasm (4:17)
Summary of Week Three and What's coming in Week 4 (2:38)
Week Four - Game Preparation and Evaluation
Introduction to the Game Preparation and Evaluation Module (6:57)
Game Evaluation Overview (7:57)
Hudl and On Form Video Tools (8:29)
Game Sense Sheet and Use Instructions (20:31)
Player Stages of Game Prep (12:36)
On Form Challenge Video To Coach Glenn (3:26)
Week Four Summary (2:05)
Week Five - Make the most of the Off Season!
Half Way Point for the 8 Week Program (6:42)
Week 5 Overview - Off Season Skill Development (2:19)
F1, F2, F3 and Gap Control - Little More Detail (4:51)
Overview of Off Season Training (5:11)
Three Stages of Off Season Development (2:20)
Phase One - Post Season (4:38)
Phase Two - Mid Summer (2:59)
Phase Three - Pre Season (2:54)
Spring / Summer Tournaments (3:07)
Summer Evolve Development Camp (Future) (2:08)
Team Genius - Workout Program and More! (7:42)
Visualization (4:58)
Quote of the Week Challenge - Jerry York - Boston College (6:15)
Pyramid Blocks - Self Control / Alertness / Action / Determination (8:15)
Week 5 Summary and Week 6 What's Next (2:15)
Week Six - Development using the TEMT Model
Week 6 Overview and More! FOR PARENTS! (6:42)
Program Check for PLAYERS!! (6:24)
Testing Details (5:11)
Off Ice Testing
On Ice Testing
Physical Skill for Week 6 (Testing, Team Genius, On Ice Skating) (3:50)
Game Sense Testing (3:30)
Evaluating Results (3:14)
Meet / Modify Training Plan (4:26)
Tracking Player Progress (3:04)
Pyramid Blocks - Fitness / Skill / Team Spirit (3:32)
New Off Ice Skating Drills (1:27)
Pre Check - ** IMPORTANT ** !!!! (7:04)
Week 6 Summary (2:12)
Individual Coaching Call Link
Week Seven - Skill Progressions that make a difference
Skill Progression Overview (14:01)
Blue Puck - Technique (9:43)
Yellow Puck - Mental Skills (8:44)
Red Puck - Position (7:03)
Green Puck - Hockey Sense (6:37)
Character Counts the MOST!!! (7:14)
Intro to Skinner Stick Handling Progression (20:15)
Pyramid of Success - Poise / Confidence / Personal Best (7:43)
Summary of Week 7 (2:51)
Week Eight - Get ready to "Tear It Up"!
The Importance of Goal Setting (15:13)
App / Website Summaries (5:04)
Development Program Tracking Tools Summary (20:43)
What to expect after the 8 Week Orientation (4:54)
Player Advising for the Bantams and Midgets (4:50)
Wooden Pyramid and Beyond (11:21)
Athletes Journey Website (5:14)
Boston College Windows and Mirrors! (5:10)
Summary of 8 Weeks! You did it! What's next! (3:11)
Meet our Evolve Family!
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